torsdag den 30. april 2009

Levis 501

I need some new Levis shorts. I think my search is starting on ebay.

Love Laugh Live

Today I bought this fantastic Dyrberg Kern ring on sale at Magasin. I couldn't find a picture of he gold one, which I bought, so here is the silver one.

On the side it says "Love Laugh Live".

Carmen Cass

Carmen Cass, Vogue Spain, May 2009. Amazing.


I hope these shoes look as good in real life as they do in the picture, cause then I'm definitly buying them when they hit up in stores. I actually don't know why I like them, but they just look so fierce.


This is me at the springdance. and yes, I found my dress at H&M. My shoes are also from H&M.

mandag den 20. april 2009

The Louis Tights

These tights are so nice. I would wear them with a casual outfit, kind of like in the first picture with a big sweater.


This friday the springdance is coming.. and i got a problem. I still haven't found my dress, shoes or jewelry for the night. So I'm heading to Århus later to find a dress. I'm pretty sure that I just end up buying a H&M dress. But that's probably the best thing to do for my creditcard anyways.

lørdag den 11. april 2009

Alice in Wonderland

This is incredibly beatiful. I really like the last picture - it's so adorable.

Vogue, 2003


it's american apparel. I just bought these 3 items. Basics i need. I love American Apparel.